Our Story

The Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi) is a values-driven peak body for psychologists that aims to promote the rich diversity of psychological practice in Australia.

Where it all began …

The Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi) is the leading not-for-profit peak body representing all psychologists Australia-wide. A group of passionate psychologists formed our organisation in 2010 to:

  • Represent a united voice for psychologists to government and funding bodies 

  • Promote the recognition, professionalism, skills and expertise of psychologists

  •  Improve access and equity to psychological services in Australia by removing barriers to effective treatment 

  •  Advocate for the removal of the two-tier funding system and reinstate one Medicare rebate for the clients of all psychologists

  •  Uphold the value of all psychological expertise and pathways to registration

  • Serve the professional needs of all psychologists by providing members with quality professional development opportunities, expert support and guidance

Our values …

We are driven by our guiding values of:

Vision / our why …

We have a clear mission to be the leading member association for psychologists in Australia. AAPi will continue to be a vibrant, member-focussed organisation that advances the status of all psychologists nationally. We will expand the knowledge of psychologists, reinstate an equitable playing field of funding and foster clinical excellence and progress. We are working towards increased and improved access to all psychologists.

Our work is of vital importance to deliver exceptional care and quality to the Australian public through caring, attentive, research-based psychology services to assist individuals, families and communities to achieve peace, balance and enhanced quality of life.

Taking action …

The Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) requires all psychologists in Australia to hold full registration. Once registered, some psychologists choose to apply to the PsyBA for endorsement in one or more of nine endorsement areas, one of which is 'clinical' endorsement. However, this endorsement does not equate to a medical specialisation.

According to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as of December 2021 there were 42,657 psychologists in Australia. Over the past 15 years, there has been an increase in representative bodies distinguishing between psychologists with a ‘clinical’ endorsement and other psychologists. This has resulted in a now-commonly held misconception that psychologists with clinical endorsement (who make up only 25% of all psychologists), hold greater qualifications, expertise and competency than the remaining 75% of their colleagues. 

There is no difference in outcomes for clients of clinical psychologists versus registered psychologists. And there is no evidence to support the differential pay and status (40% less for registered psychologists). The AAPi sees the two-tier systems as fundamentally divisive and unnecessary. 

As a member community, we are taking the following action:

  • Strong advocacy campaigns including consultation with MP’s and senior government advisors
  • Media coverage to create awareness and support for change
  • High level negotiations to improve the provision of psychological services under the MBS and other funding models such as private health, WorkSafe, Centrelink, and employer groups
  • Legal action to remove the two-tier system and reinstate one Medicare rebate for the clients of all psychologists

For more information, or to become further involved in supporting our endeavours, please contact  [email protected]

AAPi is a member of Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA). AHPA is the recognised national voice for allied health professions, representing and advocating for the role of allied health professionals in health, aged care, disability, education and all systems where allied health services have a role. Our key advocacy premise is to achieve full integration of allied health services into the Australian health system to ensure equitable consumer access to allied health services across the nation.  Our collective view of the allied health sector is informed by our allied health member organisations, who are each peak bodies for an allied health profession. 

AAPi values the role of all allied health professions and we look forward to our collective advancement. We are stronger together.

Learn more about AHPA.