AAPi Privacy Policy

AAPi is committed to the protection of our members and community personal information and work in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (C’th) (Act).

This privacy policy provides some information on how we collect, use, manage and store your personal information.



What is personal information?




‘Personal information’ essentially means information from which your identity is reasonably apparent.


‘Sensitive information’ is information about you that may include race or ethnicity, religion, beliefs, health information, sexuality, memberships, affiliations or criminal history. We will refrain from asking you about sensitive information unless it is required to provide you with services during your membership with AAPi. If you choose to provide unsolicited sensitive information, this may be captured and stored to help you in your membership with AAPi.




What personal information we collect




The type of personal information that we collect or hold as part of your membership may include your:

  • name

  • contact details

  • date of birth

  • education and registration

  • payment information (including credit card details)

  • details unique to your membership, such as interest areas




How AAPi collects personal information




AAPi may collect personal information in a number of ways including:

  • as part of your membership application process

  • during phone calls or correspondence

  • at events




Purposes of collection, use and disclosure




We collect, use and store your information as part of our operations as a member association.


We may also collect, use and disclose personal information:

  • for purposes deemed reasonable and related to the above purpose;

  • for other purposes to which you have consented such as mailing lists

  • as required or authorised by law

We do not disclose your information to outside parties unless we need to by law.




Storage and security of personal information




AAPi will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is secure and may only be accessed by authorised persons.


While AAPi will undertake all reasonable steps, we exclude all liability (including in negligence) for the consequences of any unauthorised access to, disclosure of, misuse of or loss or corruption of your personal information.




Access to and correction of personal information




AAPi will try to keep accurate and complete records of the personal information you provide to us, as far as is practical. But accuracy depends on the information that provided to us. Members can access and update their personal information in the ‘Member Section’ of this website.


You have a right access to your personal information that is held by us, subject to identity verification, and we will provide this to you in a mutually reasonable time frame.




Questions, concerns and complaints




If you have any questions related to our privacy policy or the collection or storage of your personal information you may contact the executive director by emailing [email protected] or phone 0488 770 044.




Changes to the AAPi Privacy Policy




 If we need to change our Privacy Policy, we will notify you via our membership communication channel.