26 May 2020 Update


Hello AAPi community,

Thank you for taking the time to read our update. As May is racing past us, we wanted to bring you the latest news affecting psychologists in Australia.

In this update you will find:

  • A new partnership to improve access to psychologists for rural Australians
  • Our latest media article
  • Peer supervision update
  • Special discounts on telehealth
  • Government updates
  • New AAPi resources
  • Other useful resources
  • Job opportunities

Take care,

Tegan Carrison
Executive Director, AAPi

New partnership boosting access to psychologists for rural Australians and discounted telehealth for AAPi members

AAPi has a strong commitment to supporting rural mental health and the unique challenges faced with accessing rural clients.

AAPi and Rural Health Connect have partnered together to improve access to mental health services for rural and remote Australians.

Via your AAPi membership we are offering you heavily discounted access to Rural Health Connect.

Rural Health Connect is an innovative service that offers:

  • An all in one telehealth solution that is end to end encrypted.
  • Rural Health Connect also provides technical support via phone (yes a real human) for you and your clients.
  • Free Medicare processing and admin support.
  • AAPi Members can use Rural Health Connect free for the first two months.
  • After your first two months there is no lock-in contacts and only $15 per month less than 10 sessions a month or $18 per month for more than 10 sessions a month plus GST. This is a huge cost saving for AAPi members.
  • You will have a featured profile on the site, with an easy to use booking calendar. Simply log in and set your availability. 
  • All payments, including bulk billing, are paid directly into your bank account.
  • AAPi and Rural Health Connect are working on increasing referrals directly though this service. We see significant opportunities in this area and will look forward to keeping you informed as conversations progress.
  • Rural Health Connect is a grassroots initiative that was developed in response to an urgent need for better access to psychologists in rural Australia. The technology can be used for psychologists and clients everywhere.
  • It is a social enterprise that is committed to helping rural Australians and you can be part of this effort.

Find out more about Rural Health Connect here.

Appointment of Deputy CMO Mental Health

Dr Ruth Vine has been appointed as Australia's first Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health within the Chief Medical Officer’s team at the Australian Department of Health.

Dr Vine is a consultant psychiatrist with more than 25 years’ experience at a senior level in community and hospital based mental health services, community based aged persons’ mental health services, mental health short stay in Emergency Departments, homeless people with mental illness, and working with police about mental health.

The Guardian recently published an interview with Dr Vine.

This can be accessed here.

AAPi welcomes Dr Vine to this role and looks forward to working in a collaborative manner to improve mental health care in Australia.

National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan

The Mental Health Commission has released the 'Nation Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan'. The full report can be accessed here.

AAPi will continue to work with the Mental Health Commission to advocate for our members and to further the goals of AAPi.

Useful resources

New AAPi Resource- Looking after your relationships

Download a copy of the infographic

Online planning tool to keep your business/workplace covidsafe.

Download a copy here.

Interventions for Online Therapy with Children and Youth

For those doing telehealth with children here are some great ideas.

Access the resource here.

Coviu and Telehealth WISC-V

Coviu has partnered with Pearson Clinical to integrate the digital stimulus books of the WISC-V onto our platform. This means psychologists can now perform seamless remote assessments from within Coviu's platform.

AAPi members can access a member discount by using the code COVID19AAPI.

More information on the Coviu website.

Peer Supervision Update

Thank you for all our members who are involved with the peer supervision groups. There are still some spots in the child focussed group as well as the general groups. Please email Amanda Curran if you would also like to be involved.

Our peer supervision groups are a free service for AAPi members.

We will soon be forming another group with an infant and perinatal focus and another with a creative and art therapies focussed group. Can those who are working in or have special interest in these fields please contact Amanda on [email protected].

Free Phone Service for Health Care Workers with Vodaphone

Vodaphone is offer their Health Care customers free services.

Find out more.