AAPi in the Media

Posted on 1 July 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

Last night, key information from AAPi was used prominently in a story for ABC’s 7.30 report. The story focused on the rise in mental health issues, and in turn the demand for services, during the pandemic. AAPi is increasingly becoming the ‘go to’ authority for media on mental health topics in Australia. This is a planned strategy in raising the profile of AAPi and a key advocacy tool. By focusing the media’s - and the public’s - attention on the increased demand on mental health services, this bolsters our impact when we are lobbying the government on key issues impacting psychologists. These include raising the Medicare rebate to $150 for the clients of ALL psychologists, increasing access to psychologists, and boosting mental health care funding for schools, workplaces, prevention and early intervention. 


You can watch the segment here.


AAPi is working daily to represent all psychologists.