AAPi Update 6 April 2021

Posted on 6 April 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

In what seems to be a recurring theme in our recent updates, it has been another period of frenetic action filled with advocacy activities, meetings, submissions and member support.

At the core of everything we do is our quest for equality, diversity and democracy for psychology in Australia. One of the key outcomes we are seeking is the removal of the two tier system for psychology that has been incredibly harmful for psychologists and the Australian public. Everything we do contributes to this, whether it is meeting with politicians, Government submissions or our ongoing media presence. Everything is working towards a better mental health care system.

A brief summary of our recent activities:

  • Reclassified job advert: As many of you are aware there is a trend toward advertising positions with either a preference for clinical psychologists or the outright exclusion of those with general registration or AoPE in one of the eight other endorsement areas. Many of these job adverts are written by HR professionals without the understanding of what this means. AAPi regularly contacts employers to respectfully discuss how their job advert is limiting their recruiting pool and educating them that all registered psychologists are suitably training and qualified. In a recent win, the NT Government changed their advert asking for clinical psychologists to registered psychologists. If you are a job seeker, I encourage you to consider their job advert here.
  • We have met with other Allied Health member associations to work collaboratively on joint issues.
  • AAPi is contributing to a Senate Inquiry into the administration of registration and notifications by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and related entities under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.
  • We have completed many submissions including those for the SA Government, NDIS and of course the Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (more on this below).
  • We have upcoming meetings with Sentor Jacquie Lambie and Labor Leader Anthony Albanese.
  • We are meeting with the 'Boosting the Local Care Workforce Program' leaders to discuss workforce challenges in regional, rural and outer metropolitan areas across Australia.
  • We are working on a number of submissions including WorkCover QLD to ensure their fees schedule continues to pay psychologists equally.
  • Amanda Curran (AAPi CSO) was featured in this article calling for permanent telehealth.
  • Betty Chetcuti (AAPi Board member) was featured on A Current Affair on Monday 29th March.
  • We have joined the Health Provider Partnership Forum for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • We had a very productive meeting with Open Arms, DVA and the Ministers for Veterans Affairs office regarding Open Arms and DVA fee schedules. We will have a further update on the outcomes of this meeting soon.
  • We have participated further in the North Brisbane PHN Psychological Therapies Partnership Group regarding services in the North Brisbane region. 
  • We provided a webinar for the Northwest psychology group regarding Medicare. This presentation will be developed into a resource for all members.
  • We have provided information and support to our Queensland members regarding COVID-19 related restrictions and support to our flood affected NSW members.
  • Upgrades to the Find a Psychologist directory are nearly complete, so keep an eye out for a call to action soon so that you can maximise your referral opportunities and facilitate local area networks.

Do you have feedback for AAPi? We would love to hear it! Please send an email to [email protected]

As AAPi continues to grow and expand, we want to make sure that we continue to be member focused. Supporting our members is the reason we exist. Let us know what you would like for the future of AAPi.

Take care and have a wonderful Easter.

Tegan Carrison

Executive Director, AAPi