Association Update

Posted on 11 October 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

It has been a busy few weeks. Since our last newsletter our days (and nights) have been filled with advocacy endeavours, government meetings, submissions and as always member support. We are also working on the launch of some exciting new services for members.

AAPi is currently working on 3 key advocacy areas:

  1. Raising the Medicare Rebate to $150 for the clients of all psychologists. We are also working towards a one-tier system for all the funding models (DVA, Open Arms, Private Health) to return equality to psychology.
  2. Incentives and allowances for regional, rural and remote practitioners similar to those afforded to GPs.
  3. A Medicare rebate for provisional psychologists.

We have had positive meetings with the Queensland and South Australian Governments and we have secured the support of the Western Australian Government for regional, rural and remote incentives and Deputy Prime Minister Joyce has supported the provisional psychology rebate. Both have written to Minister Hunt, endorsing AAPi's recommendations for these. We have upcoming meetings with the NT Government, The Greens and Beyond Blue. Thank you to all of our members who have assisted with these activities.

Here is a brief summary of our other recent activities on behalf of our members:

  • AAPi contributed to the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy consultation. In this submission we advocated for the raising of the Medicare rebate to $150 for all psychologists, issues regarding lack of university positions and the increasingly narrow choices in the type of university courses offered, financial support for regional, rural and remote practitioners, a provisional psychology Medicare rebate and the risk factors for health practitioner burnout due to the increased demand, the psychological stress associated with supporting the community through this challenging time as well as the regularly changing restrictions and conditions with very little government guidance. 
  • AAPi participated in the Better Access Evaluation stakeholder meeting to ensure the voice of our members is heard. It is vital that psychology has a fair and balanced representation throughout this process.

Thank you all so much for your support and membership that allows AAPi to work towards achieving our shared goals.