Association Update

Posted on 15 August 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

As many of you are aware, the Department of Health is in the process of evaluating the Better Access program. AAPi has been invited to participate in the evaluation process in a number of important ways. We will keep members updated on the progress of this evaluation and provide opportunities to involve members in consultations. AAPi will ensure that our community has a voice and we are actively involved in decisions regarding the future of Better Access.

AAPi has come a long way in recent years, and we are more optimistic than ever for significant and positive changes to occur, removing the issues that have plagued the psychology profession for the last decade. We will not stop until we achieve equality, all psychologists are respected for their strength and diversity and there is increased access for the community. Thank you to all our members for your support.

Over the last fortnight, we have embarked on a campaign to inform the government of the reduced viability of private practice psychology, in particular due to the low Medicare rebates, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the onerous administrative burden and regulatory requirements. We will keep you updated with our discussions with key ministers.

Additional recent AAPi activities include:

  • Further advocacy for NDIS and the disability sector.
  • Advocacy for psychologists working in schools.
  • Working towards the inclusion of psychologists in the list of providers able to provide certificate of capacities. We have engaged in promising discussions with key government ministers and organisations.
  • Building partnerships and connections across the health care industry.
  • Highlighting the importance of all areas of psychological practice.
  • Developing a new CPD experience for our members.

With many of our members currently in lockdown, AAPi is continuing with our COVID Coffee Catch-up series. We are dedicated to supporting and connecting with our members during these challenging times. If you need extra assistance, please reach out. We are here for you.