Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention - please make a submission today!

Posted on 9 March 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

Hopefully all of your received our email last week regarding the Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. If not, please read this article for more information.

This is a vital opportunity to have your say on the future of mental health care in Australia and I cannot urge you strongly enough to make a submission by Wednesday 24 March.

Please don't be put off by the term submission, often short and personal accounts are the most impactful.

Please submit online here.

If you have any questions, please let us know via [email protected] or our Community Forum. Congratulations to the member who is convening an informal working group tonight to discuss ideas for their submission.

AAPi met with Emma McBride (deputy chair) of the Selected Committee last week. Emma was already aware of this issue from many of our members in her district who had previously raised these concerns. AAPi detailed our key advocacy items including why the flawed two tier system needs to be immediately changed as it is hurting clients and psychologists.

Emma McBride asked AAPi to pass on her personal thanks and appreciation for all the incredible work psychologists are doing (especially in response to the bushfires and COVID-19) as well as the appreciation of the Shadow Minister for Health, Mark Butler.

The Select Committee is extremely important. Among other items, the Select Committee will be addressing the funding arrangements for all mental health services, including those through MBS and PHNs.

Our next step is a meeting with Dr Fiona Martin. Dr Martin is a Liberal MP, Chair of the Select Committee and an educational and developmental psychologist.

Again, I urge all psychologists to make a submission. It doesn't need to be long, but please share your thoughts on how to improve the mental health system in Australia.