Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS - Independent Assessments

Posted on 12 November 2021

The joint standing committee has released their final report on Independent Assessment. You can find a copy of the report here.

Due to submissions from AAPi, our members and other stakeholders, the report has reflected the inappropriateness of Independent Assessments as a blanket requirement for all participants.  We were very impressed with the incredible advocacy of our members, many of whom are quoted directly in the report. Thank you to all of our members for your contribution. This very positive outcome demonstrates the power of our collective voices. We are stronger together.

Recommendation 1- The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme Reserve Fund as soon as practicably possible.

Recommendation 2- The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government amend the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 to include a specific commitment to and definition of co-design, following extensive consultation on what 'co-design' should be.

Recommendation 3- The committee recommends that consultations with medical and allied health professionals for the purposes of access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and to support requests for items in NDIS plans be:

  • carried out by health professionals nominated by participants and/or their nominees, where appropriate and available;
  • holistic, taking into account medical reports and other contextual information as appropriate; and
  • multidisciplinary, involving consultation with multiple experts who treat and have treated the person.

Recommendation 4- The committee recommends that, where consultations with medical and allied health professionals for the purposes of access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme or to support requests for items in NDIS plans cannot be carried out by appropriate professionals nominated by a participant and/or their nominee:

  • the National Disability Insurance Agency implement an accreditation process for appropriate professionals to carry out consultations for those in the circumstances described above; 
  • the National Disability Insurance Agency ensure that these assessments are holistic and multidisciplinary; and
  • the National Disability Insurance Agency implement specific, targeted strategies to ensure that particular cohorts are not disadvantaged by such a process.

Recommendation 5- The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider funding bulk-billed consultations with medical and allied health professionals for the purposes described in Recommendation 3 and Recommendation 4.

Recommendation 6- The committee recommends that all assessment tools that the National Disability Insurance Agency proposes, for the purposes of funded assessments to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme and to help inform funding decisions, should be subject to rigorous consultation with people with disability, disability representative organisations, and relevant health and allied health practitioners before the National Disability Insurance Agency decides to implement them.

AAPi will continue our advocacy for a fairer NDIS.