Make Telehealth Permanent Campaign

Posted on 16 March 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

Dear members,

Like you, we were so pleased to hear that following AAPi's countless direct representations to government members and via the media, telehealth has been extended. We have now turned our attention to having telehealth made permanent. 

Last minute extensions of three months do not allow you and your clients to schedule appointments in advance, and do not give the certainty that is needed.

Today AAPi was featured in over 100 media articles sharing AAPi's urgent request for the government to make telehealth permanent. I encourage you to share these articles to help draw attention to the issue as we advocate for change. We have seen that our media pressure works.

Here is one of the articles featured on 7 News.

Here is an excerpt from the media articles:

"Three months is certainly not a long-term future. Many clients make appointments eight weeks ahead of time. To be able to offer it as a permanent service will make a significant difference to the practitioner-client relationship and result in better health outcomes. Our members need assurance that telehealth is here to stay, and we hope the government will now put in the legislative effort required to make telehealth a truly permanent offering."

An important action you can take is to communicate with your local member, as well as relevant Senate, State and Federal Members on these issues. All that is needed is a short, personal account of the importance of telehealth for your clients and/or yourself. We have heard these powerful stories from so many of you, now is the time to share them. We are stronger together.

Thank you,

Tegan Carrison

Executive Director

P.S we are expecting an interview to be aired on Channel 7 News over the weekend with AAPi's Betty Chetcuti regarding the recent Open Arms fee changes. Feel free to tune in!