Media Summary

Posted on 9 March 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

As you know, AAPi has been campaigning hard directly with many government representatives and decision makers, and also via the media, to advocate for our key objectives including the continuation of telehealth and increasing the MBS rebate for clients. AAPi has been very active in the media recently on our key advocacy areas. These include the following key pieces:

  • AAPi member Dr Michael Carr-Gregg on 3AW on Monday 8 March discussing the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health and the need to raise the rebate for the clients of ALL psychologists to $150, abolish the two tier Medicare system and more. You can listen to the audio here
  • Dr Michael Carr-Gregg also discussed the need to end the two tier Medicare rebate on Sunrise Weekend TV- Sunday 7 March
  • AAPi Director Betty Chetcuti was featured on ABC News discussing the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health and advocating for psychologists, provisional psychologists, telehealth and increased funding. You can watch the video here
  • AAPi featured in the The Sunday Age, The Brisbane Times and The SMH discussing the need to extend telehealth
  • 2GB's night time host John Stanley interviewed Betty Chetcuti regarding extending telehealth
  • AAPi Executive Director Tegan Carrison was interviewed on ABC Radio discussing the need to extend universal telehealth

We continue to give voice to the issues affecting psychologists and their clients in Australia. AAPi continues to #ChooseToChallenge and we won't stop because we value the training and hard work of all psychologists and we value the mental health of the Australian public.