NDIS Workforce Final Report

Posted on 21 February 2022

AAPi are tireless advocates for a fairer NDIS- for participants and psychologists.

Changes to the NDIS workforce is crucial to meet demand and ensure the appropriate mix of skills and professionals to continue to deliver safe, quality supports to NDIS participants.

It is estimated that there will be an additional growth of over 80,000 full time equivalent staff needed to maintain the scheme. However key changes will need to occur to attract and retaining a a skilled workforce in a sector increasingly seen as undervalued, overworked and underpaid.

The Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme released their final report on the NDIS Workforce. You can find the full report here

The report contains the following recommendations:

  1. The Australian Government facilitates the collection of data to support better understanding about new working models.
  2.   Ensure that workers in the NDIS, their representatives and stakeholders, are consulted in all pricing review processes.
  3.  A co-design with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations, develop and report on specific outcomes for initiatives in the NDIS National Workforce Plan 2021-2025 to support the growth and development of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander NDIS workforce. 
  4.  Implement a targeted strategy to improve employment opportunities for people with disability within the NDIS workforce specifically, that is co-designed by people with disability and peak bodies. 
  5.  Address the funding and resource implications of any new training and upskilling initiatives, in relation to NDIS service providers and individual disability support workers within the sector. 
  6.  Develop and implement a robust strategy to increase and improve opportunities for student placements in the NDIS workforce. The strategy should include strong partnerships with NDIS service providers, universities, TAFEs and other training institutions, and be co-designed by people with disability and peak bodies. 
  7.  In consultation with NDIS participants and their advocates, the disability and allied health sectors, and NDIS workers and their representatives, develop and publish clear and measurable outcomes for each of the initiatives in the NDIS National Workforce Plan 2021-2025
  8.  Develop and publish a comprehensive consultation strategy for the implementation of measures under the NDIS National Workforce Plan 2021-2025

Let us know what you think of the recommendations and other suggestions for NDIS advocacy via our community forum.