Private Practice Survey  

Posted on 9 November 2022

Important Survey - please take 10 minutes to complete.

If you are a psychologist working in private practice we want to hear from you. The information gathered by this survey informs our advocacy work and helps us to stay up-to-date on what is happening in our industry. The anonymous responses will be used to assist with lobbying the government for important and necessary changes.

We would be so grateful if you can take approximately 10 minutes to complete this survey.

If you work in other areas of psychology, further consultations are coming soon to gather your insights and learn more about how AAPi can better represent and serve you. Every area of psychology whether it be working in schools, research, the justice system, academia, policy, organisations, management, consulting, sports and performance coaching, community, disability, rehabilitation, aged care, education or the public sector is equally valued and important. We want to amplify your voice and work together on solutions to the problems that keep you up at night. Psychology is a diverse and crucial profession. We are stronger together.