Select Committee Interim Report

Posted on 23 April 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

The Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention has released their interim report. You can access the report here.

Firstly, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made a submission. There is absolutely power in numbers and you all helped to bring these issues to the attention of those who have the power to enact change. 

The interim report provided a progress update of the Select Committee. Encouragingly the report mentioned a number of AAPi's key advocating items including:

  • The Committee has received many submissions from members of the peak psychology associations concerning the distinction between clinical and non- clinical psychologists, and specifically training and professional accreditation. In addition to the discrepancy in Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rebates, discussion centred on addressing qualifications to best serve client needs. 
  • The Committee has received a number of submissions calling for further review of the trend towards mental health ‘hubs’ (co-locating services) and specifically in relation to accessibility, the level of funding required to establish and maintain them, staff turnover, financial remuneration and funding model reliance on bulk-billed Medicare rebates. 

AAPi will continue to work with the Select Committee on our key advocacy items and we will keep members informed about further opportunities for contribution. 

The final Select Committee report is due in November 2021.

There has never been a more important time for psychologists to stand united together.