AAPi member Dr Leanne McGregor spoke with ABC radio Gold Coast yesterday about the ongoing demand for mental health support, as we mark six months since the Federal Government cut back the Better Access Medicare sessions. 

Dr McGregor discussed the impact of the session cuts, the two-tier system and AAPi’s calls to allow provisional psychologists to practice under Medicare, saying “74% of psychologists are at the lower rebate. Raising the rebate to $150 allows us to bulk bill more clients…. The two-tier system gives a perception… that clinical psychologists offer a superior and different service, which is just not the case. I've got a PhD, 20 years’ worth of experience and I'm on the lower rebate.”

Listen to the full interview here: https://ow.ly/U4qU50P5QoC

AAPi in the Media

Posted on 7 July 2023