The Victorian government is poised to radically overhaul the state's WorkCover scheme, which would remove workplace bullying and harassment from mental health claims.

AAPi Director Dr Katrina Norris and member Joe Gagliano spoke with the ABC about their concerns, with the story running online and on Melbourne radio on Monday. 

"It gives perpetrators of bullying and harassment a green light to continue their behaviour and removes the right of victims to support and compensation when they have not been protected in the workplace,'' Dr Norris said.

"This is a very slippery slope and is purely unacceptable."

Dr Gagliano said there's "a lot of talk about mental health and government saying mental health is crucial.

"And here we have a government which is trying to actually limit the support for mental health for people who are injured at work."

Dr Norris said claims for workplace bullying and harassment account for 39 per cent of all psychological claims across Australia.

Read the article here.

Or watch the story on ABC TV.


AAPi in the Media

Posted on 10 April 2023

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