The AAPi has called out the Federal Government's inaction on a way forward to ease the mental health crisis since the staging of its multi-stakeholder forum three months ago following the halving of subsidised Better Access sessions.

In a story in today's News Corp papers in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Adelaide and other major cities, Chief Operating Officer Amanda Curran said AAPi had not been consulted since the forum.  

“Usually we’d be kept up to date with where things were at or there’d be some kind of plan going forward, but there’s been none,” she said. 

“We’re seeing Australians running out of their referred sessions already and have nowhere to go, they can’t afford to pay for care. We’re seeing a lot of distress in the community.”

Read the full story and the Health Minister's response here.

AAPi in the Media

Posted on 13 April 2023