AAPi in the Media

Posted on 19 December 2022

The Nine newspapers (The Age, SMH, Brisbane Times) around the country ran a story on Sunday regarding rising backbench angst over cuts to the psychology sessions, saying the Federal Government is facing growing calls from mental health experts, the Greens and the Coalition to reverse the decision. 

AAPi Executive Director Tegan Carrison was quoted in the article, saying the fact that Mark Butler had previously cut the program in 2011 showed he was biased against it.

"When Better Access sessions were previously cut, it dramatically increased the stress on the entire healthcare system and left those needing mental healthcare with very few options,’’ she said.

The article pointed out the two-tier rebate, along with AAPi's calls to raise it to $150.

Dr Michael Carr Gregg was also quoted, saying the problem lay with too few psychologists and a client rebate that was too low. 

"This decision will be catastrophic for young people, and I am anticipating that there will be more lives lost as a result," he said.

A Change.org petition to reinstate the session numbers is currently at 44,000 signatures.