AAPi's submission to the Senate inquiry on ADHD was highlighted in a story across The SMH, The Age, WA Today and the Brisbane Times today, which said: "thousands more people should be able to join the National Disability Insurance Scheme with a diagnosis of ADHD, according to a fresh push from peak psychiatrist and psychologist groups to boost support for those with the common neurodevelopmental disorder".

AAPi recommended that the scheme recognises ADHD as a primary disability and provides appropriate support, including access to diagnostic assessments, evidence-based interventions, and ongoing care throughout the lifespan.

Greens senator Jordon Steele-John, who initiated the inquiry, said ADHD healthcare in Australia needed urgent reform. “As a condition that significantly impacts every part of the lives of one in 20 Australians, getting support shouldn’t be available only to those who can afford it,” he said.

Read the full story here.

AAPi in the Media

Posted on 7 July 2023