Posted on 10 October 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi



This week AAPi formally joined Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) to enhance our advocacy efforts and work collaboratively with all the peak bodies for allied health.

Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) is the recognised national voice for allied health professions, representing and advocating for the role of allied health professionals in health, aged care, disability, education and all systems where allied health services have a role. Our key advocacy premise is to achieve full integration of allied health services into the Australian health system to ensure equitable consumer access to allied health services across the nation.  Our collective view of the allied health sector is informed by our allied health member organisations, who are each peak bodies for an allied health profession. 

AAPi values the role of all allied health professions. We are stronger together.

Learn more about AHPA.