AAPi Media Summary

Posted on 8 April 2022

In March AAPi was featured in 256 media pieces, reaching more than 3.8 million people. Highlights included our editorial in the Herald Sun and Courier Mail on the day prior to Budget; and the syndicated article across numerous regional publications about AAPi's call for support for flood victims.   

In the last fortnight we also had further strong and consistent media presence including:

  • The Herald Sun and Courier Mail with our recommendations for $150 Medicare rebate for clients of all psychologists, 40 Better Access sessions and the establishment of a provisional psychologist Medicare rebate
  • Our $150 rebate recommendation was included in The Guardian
  • AAPi was also quoted extensively in the Herald Sun, following an article published on Sunday outlining the Victorian Government's plan for three mental health hubs in Victoria and to fix our mental health workforce issues by hiring overseas clinicians. AAPi is concerned about the over reliance on overseas workforces and costly hubs is not sustainable. While our overseas colleagues are welcome and valued, this is not a long-term solution to the mental health crisis. Instead, AAPi is asking for Medicare to be appropriately funded at the one higher rebate of $150, investing in our current and future workforce by allowing provisional psychologists to provide appropriate Medicare services, more support for regional, rural and remote practitioners and more funding for psychologists in schools for prevention, early intervention and treatment
  • We were featured in the Bendigo Advertiser discussing the two-tier system and the impact of the low rebate on regional and rural clients.
  • RACGP published further commentary about self referrals to psychologists and changes to Better Access requirements
  • AAPi's reaction to the Federal Budget was featured in the Australian Health Journal. The video outlines AAPi's four key budget recommendations to increase access to psychologists, the spending announcements we welcome and our ongoing concerns about lack of funding for specific areas in mental healthcare. 

It has certainly been a solid period of coverage for our advocacy and with the election approaching, we will work hard to ensure this continues.