AAPi Media Summary

Posted on 31 October 2021

In the last few weeks AAPi has featured prominently in the media including:

  • AAPi Director Betty Chetcuti appeared on Sky News on Thursday 28 October discussing the impact of the pandemic on children and the importance of seeing a psychologist if there are concerns.
  • AAPi in The Canberra Times discussing the importance of school psychologists and counsellors and advocating for additional funding for these important positions.
  • AAPi in The Age commenting on Halloween fun.
  • AAPi in The Canberra Times highlighting the need for further funding for mental health care.
  • AAPi Director Betty Chetcuti featured in The Age discussing clients feelings on lockdown.
  • AAPi member Chris Cheers on ABC radio sharing his tips on coming out of lockdown.
  • AAPi member Melinda Tebb representing AAPi on ABC Radio Sydney breakfast show with Wendy Harmer and Robbie Buck about readjusting to back to school life. Start listening from minute 31 for Melinda's great segment.