AAPi Update 

Posted on 10 November 2022

Last week we launched our annual private practice survey. Thank you to the overwhelming number of you who have already participated. This is an opportunity to not only help us to gather data for lobbying and advocacy on your behalf but also an opportunity to hear directly from you, our members. All of our activities are informed by our members and we deeply value your input. We read each and every survey response. If you are working in private practice, please complete the survey.

An independent review into Ahpra's handling of vexatious notifications has been announced and AAPi will be actively involved in the consultation process. Ahpra defines a vexatious notification as one that is ‘without substance, made with an intent to cause distress, detriment or harassment to a practitioner named in the notification’. AAPi has gathered a number of such cases experienced by members and these will be deidentified and used with permission during the consultation. We will keep members updated on how they can be involved and the results of the review.

We have also announced some Advocacy wins which you can read here and here. We were able to successfully work with SIRA to reinstate provisional psychologists back into the scheme. We have also been able to achieve some positive changes to Better Access Group Therapy.

Please keep in mind our update summaries provide a small glimpse of the work AAPi is undertaking for our members, with many of our initiatives on the cusp of significant results. As always we thank all of our members for your support so we can continue to work on your behalf. We do not take for granted the profound responsibility we are entrusted with.