AAPi Update

Posted on 15 March 2022

Last Thursday, AAPi attended Queensland Parliament to appear before the Mental Health Select Committee for the inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders. In our submission and at the inquiry we emphasised our core advocacy items of a one-tier higher Medicare rebate of at least $150, a provisional psychology rebate and other initiatives to increase access to mental health care. The Queensland Government has been supportive of AAPi's advocacy and the need to increase the Medicare rebate with the Queensland Minster for Health mentioning AAPi's recommendations in parliament. While this is a Queensland specific inquiry, AAPi is pushing for State based trials and advocacy from State Governments for Federal changes.

AAPi is getting the message out about the importance of all psychologists and the need to adequately fund the sector.

AAPi has provided a response to the consultation by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on the Draft Stillbirth Clinical Care Standard. We thank AAPi member Narelle Dickinson, Clinical and Health Psychologist and Director of Queensland Family and Fertility Support for her contribution to this submission.

We have also been involved in the consultation for the National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework. We thank all those members who provided feedback on their PHN and informed our consultation feedback.

2022 is a important year for change and we thank all of our members for your support.