AAPi Update 

Posted on 9 December 2022

As usual, December is proving to be a busy month, with the end of the year fast approaching. This week I had the privilege of spending time with our South Australian members in Adelaide. Spending time with this incredible group of psychologists was undoubtedly a highlight.

Other AAPi activities included:

  • Submission for the Employment White Paper focusing on mental health and employment as well as how the two-tier system and the retirement of the 4+2 pathway have impacted psychology.
  • Collaborative advocacy for Allied Health Aged Care funding.
  • Further advocacy activities through Allied Health Professions Australia with an in-person meeting with the Assistant Minister for Mental Health Emma McBride on Monday focusing on the need to extend the extra 10 Better Access sessions, necessary reforms to the MBS system and supporting rural and remote psychologists through a HECS/HELP relief program.
  • Participated in a Department of Health Consultation for in-home aged care reforms.
  • Extensive work regarding NDIS- a separate update is provided in the newsletter.
  • Finalised our submission for the independent inquiry into Ahpra's handling of vexatious complaints.