AAPi Advocacy

Posted on 27 July 2022

Today AAPi's calls for provisional psychologists to be able to provide services under Medicare were featured prominently in:

  • The Herald Sun
  • The Courier Mail
  • Daily Telegraph
  • The Mercury
  • Geelong Advertiser
  • ABC radio

You can find read the full article here.

This comes after AAPi appeared before the Victorian Pandemic Declaration Accountability and Oversight Committee regarding the mental health impacts of the Pandemic Orders. The parliamentary report was published on 22 July. The minority report made the following recommendations in response to AAPi's submission:

  • That the State Government provide funding support for provisional psychologists to assist meeting surge demand for mental health support. 
  • That the Victorian Government and the Victorian Liberals and Nationals advocate to the Federal Government to include mental health services provided by provisional psychologists to be included in the Medicare Benefits Schedule. 
  • That the State Government immediately bring forward funding for the Schools Mental Health Fund from 2024, to meet the immediate demand for mental health support by students in metropolitan Melbourne. 

AAPi will continue to work to make ourselves heard on behalf of every one of our members as we grapple with this crisis.