Association Update

Posted on 8 April 2022

Here is a brief overview of what we did this fortnight:

  • AAPi's Amanda Curran met with the National Mental Health Sector Reference Group of the NDIS. Amanda attended as the representative for AHPA, the peak body for all allied health members associations. Amanda raised issues across the whole of the sector as part of the meeting and found the group open and responsive to feedback. Amanda will be working closely with this group to improve the psychosocial disability stream of the NDIS
  • Robust advocacy in the media. You can find further information in the media section below
  • Held our monthly board meeting to progress the strategic objectives of the AAPi community
  • Advanced some great new member benefits and services. We will be sharing more on these very soon
  • The Federal Budget was announced. AAPi attended the health sector briefing and undertook subsequent advocacy. You can find our budget summary here
  • Launched our free April book of the month
  • Advocacy for the aged care sector. We are working with the allied health peak bodies to ensure psychology and allied health plays a bigger role in the lives of seniors
  • The inquiry into childhood rheumatic diseases published their interim report. Our submission contributed to the recommendations for more psychological support for this group of young people and their families. You can read the report here
  • AAPi is always looking for ways to correct misinformation and confusion regarding psychology. This fortnight we were successful in our request to the WA Government to change their website that only listed clinical psychologists as being able to provide services under a Mental Health Treatment Plan
  • We partnered with Mental Health Academy to bring you the 2022 Suicide Prevention Summit