Telehealth extended until March 2021

It is my great pleasure to announce the 6 month extension of telehealth!

Psychologists will be able to provide Medicare rebatable telehealth until March 2021. We will continue to advocate for telehealth to be a permanent option available to clients and psychologists.It is our understanding that exisiting MBS item numbers will continue to be used.

As always, we will ensure our members are the first to know of any changes or amendments.As many of you will be aware, the whole AAPi team has been working tirelessly to make this a reality and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each of you. I would also like to thank our wonderful AAPi community for your support. It is through your membership we are are able to provide such a strong and powerful message and to act as a true voice for all psychologists.

Warmest Regards,

Tegan Carrison
Executive Director, AAPi

P.S You can read more about our work in The Australian article published 15 September 2020 here.

We have also been featured discussing the extension of telehealth in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and numerous radio programs.