As June draws to a close, I wanted to provide an overview of what we have achieved together.

Advocacy and Representation

AAPi is fully committed to advocating for the rights and interests of psychologists and their clients across Australia. We actively engaged with government bodies, regulatory agencies, and industry stakeholders to influence policy development and promote the importance of psychological services. Our advocacy efforts centred around equitable remuneration, improved access to care, and the recognition of all psychologists' expertise.

AAPi has significant political influence. We have partnered and consulted extensively with the Government and remain incredibly active and vocal in representing psychologists and their clients. This year AAPi partnered with The McKell Institute to report on the issues most impacting psychologists, which culminated in the Help Us Help More campaign. This campaign was launched at Parliament House, with the Minister for Mental Health as our keynote speaker. The launch event was well attended by all sides of politics, with many politicians pledging their support for the campaign. AAPi is part of every consultation in which psychologists have an interest. 

During our time at Parliament House, we met with the Hon Emma McBride MP, Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health (pictured above), Office of the Minister for Health, Senator Jordan Steele-John's Chief of Staff, Melissa McIntosh MP (Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention), Dr Mike Freelander MP (Chair of Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport) and many others.

Key Wins:

  • DSP Win- Through submissions, consultations and senate enquiries, AAPi was instrumental in changing the legislation to allow supporting evidence from all psychologists to be accepted towards a diagnosis of mental health conditions that are eligible for a disability pension.
  • Alongside our legal team and Dr Marian Kolta, we achieved a successful outcome for clinical endorsement substantial equivalence, setting the scene for future cases to come.
  • WorkCover QLD significantly increased fees claimable by psychologists and provisional psychologists.
  • Budget items for funded internships, supervisor training, university places and psychology training reform.
  • Seeded questions at Senate Estimates regarding the two-tier system - Senator Tammy Tyrell asked, "Under the Better Access scheme, only the clients of endorsed clinical psychologists are rebated at a higher level, around $40 more per session. There is a lower rebate for the eight other endorsement areas in psychology. The lower rebate applies to people who have undertaken the same amount of education and training and psychologists with general registration. My first point is: why is there a lower rebate? My second is: is the government planning to review the two-tier system?"
  • Provisional Psychologist Win- Due to advocacy from AAPi and others, SIRA has reversed its decision to exclude provisional psychologists.
  • Pivotal NDIS Representation- AAPi's Amanda Curran was invited to be the whole of allied health representative on the Mental Health Sector Reference Group of the NDIS. 
  • Beneficial Changes Better Access Group Therapy- AAPi was instrumental in positive changes for more flexibility and longer sessions for Better Access group therapy.
  • Medicare Advocacy win for the establishment of family and carer Better Access sessions.
  • Reinstatement of rural and remote loading- the reinstatement of the 50% fee loading to bulk-billed psychiatry services delivered by video telehealth for those in rural and remote areas.
  • Amendments to complex neurodevelopmental disorders and disabilities items- Updating terminology, the addition of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Lesch Nyhan syndrome and 22q deletion syndrome; and extended eligibility for these services from those under 13 years of age to those under 25 years of age.
  • Telehealth eating disorder and mental health service changes to remove geographical requirements and increase access.
  • We mobilised the AAPi community to produce 4,000 individual submissions regarding the decision to end the additional 10 Better Access Sessions.
  • AAPi’s Sahra O’Doherty went head-to-head with Professor Ian Hickie on Radio National Breakfast on the subject of the Federal Government's cuts to the Better Access psychology sessions and the misinformation regarding clinical endorsement.
  • AAPi’s Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP) Interest Group worked with the TGA and the RANZCP to provide information on how changes to the classification of psilocybin and MDMA enabling psychiatrist prescribing from 1 July 2023 will impact psychologists and clients.
  • We assisted with changes to cosmetic surgery regulations.
  • AAPi was a pivotal contributor to the inquiry into long Covid and repeated Covid infections and advocated for the uptake of the recommendations and greater access to care for those suffering from long Covid.
  • AAPi was integral in the development and production of the Plus Paternal: Talking to Dads Language Guide resource.
  • We contributed to an enquiry with Australian Healthcare Associates into the awareness and use of Auslan interpreting services in psychology practices, and how this could be improved.
  • We advocated heavily for changes to the Draft Updated Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism by the Autism CRC.
  • Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the ADHD.
  • We collaborated with over 50 rural and remote health stakeholders to write the Ngayubah Gadan Consensus Statement.
  • We worked with the Psychology Board regarding the new draft Code of Conduct for psychologists to ensure that it is relevant for current and future psychology practice.
  • AAPi is also undertaking significant legal work to bring back equity, diversity and unity in psychology. 

Member Growth and Services

AAPi has experienced significant membership growth this year, reflecting the increasing recognition of AAPi’s value and support within the psychology community. We successfully engaged with members through various initiatives, including professional development opportunities, networking events, and advocacy efforts.

We developed dozens of new resources to make life a little easier for our members. We provided a new member benefit of free access to SAGE Journals and Videos. We added more free professional reference books to our library and established partnerships and discounts, including complimentary and discounted insurance, Power Diary, Your Leasing Co, MoCA, Dekko, JCU supervisor training. We welcomed Amanda Moses as AAPi’s Early Career Coordinator, bringing her significant expertise to support the next generation of psychologists.

We increased our on-demand by over 60 hours of expert content and provided over 400 hours of direct member support to help with ethical and professional queries.

We did not increase our membership fees in recognition of the cost of living crisis.


Our media presence this year has been phenomenal. We utilise the media to pressure decision-makers and increase public awareness of our advocacy issues. This financial year we reached an audience of over 72 million people with over 1,200 media articles, radio and television appearances. AAPi was featured in all major media outlets, from the front page of major newspapers to the evening news. AAPi’s voice is being heard.

Article highlights: 

Looking forward

We are proud of the progress made in supporting psychologists and advancing the field of psychology in Australia. As we move forward, AAPi remains committed to promoting the interests of psychologists, advocating for equitable practices, and enhancing the delivery of psychological services to benefit individuals, families, and communities across the country. Thank you, to all of our members for your support of AAPi so we can continue to work on your behalf. We do not take for granted the profound responsibility we are entrusted with.

Now is the time to stand united. We are stronger together. Please join or renew today.

What we have achieved TOGETHER this financial year 

Posted on 30 June 2023