Yesterday AAPi launched our “Help Us Help More” campaign, together with the release of an AAPi and McKell Institute Report, Under Pressure: Australia’s Mental Health Emergency at an event at Parliament House in Canberra.  

Along with the AAPi team and members, the event was attended by several politicians including Dr Mike Freelander MP and Chair Health and Aged Care Committee, Ms Zaneta Mascarenhas MP and the event included a key note speech by Assistant Minister for Mental Health, Emma McBride.

The aim of Help Us Help More is simple - to ensure psychologists can deliver the best possible care and that vulnerable Australians have access to quality mental health care, whenever and wherever they need it.

We aim to involve our members, their clients, the community and key stakeholders in mental health to support the campaign, and let the Federal Government know that substantial funding and operational changes to mental health care delivery are required if we are going to provide quality care for Australians living with mental ill health. 

Please visit the campaign website to find out how you can get involved. The Help Us Help More website contains a take action page, factsheets, social media tiles for you to download and share, printable signs for your workplace, a campaign video, individual member advocacy videos, a photo gallery and much more.

Help Us Help More Campaign Launch 

Posted on 15 February 2023