AAPi on ABC Radio National- Coaches

Posted on 25 August 2022

The coaching industry has increased significantly in Australia, and many individuals are turning to coaches to get support. AAPi Director Carly Dober spoke to the ABC yesterday about:

• The need for a regulatory body for the coaching industry to support vulnerable people

• How coaches may not be able to identify individuals with mental health concerns or symptoms, and the duty of care for them to refer to a qualified mental health professional to prevent unnecessary harm or risk

• How mental health training for coaches being implemented does not go far enough, as there are no standardised qualifications or training for coaching currently in Australia

• A case study example of unprofessional practice by a coach

• Acknowledgement that coaching is here to stay, and more caring professions are welcomed- as long as there are safeguards in place to protect the public

• The economic and access issues ongoing for Australians who are wanting support for their mental health, and why AAPi are continuing to fight for the Medicare rebate for all the clients of all psychologists to be raised to $150.

Listen to the interview here