Sahra O'Doherty, AAPi Director

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International Women’s Day is a powerful day to shine a spotlight on gender inequities, however our efforts and attention need to extend beyond just this one day out of 365. There are still many barriers to equality and as such, on this IWD, we are urging you to take action and #embraceequity.

Australia is currently facing a mental health crisis, with 1 in 5 people in need of a mental health professional, and only two thirds of psychologists taking on new referrals; this, combined with the disparity in Medicare rebates available for clinical and non-clinical psychologists, has resulted in a significant unmet demand for services, and accessibility and affordability issues when it comes to mental health in Australia.

It is also worth noting on this #IWD2023, that approximately 80% of the psychology workforce are women. And so this really is a women’s issue.

Today we urge you to head to the website and email your local member to ask the government to raise the rebate to $150 per session per psychologist, no matter which psychologist you choose to see – to make mental health support equitable and accessing for those in need.

The raising of the rebate will also help to ensure that ALL psychologists are able to have a living wage, and to sustain their careers in this important space.

Take action here

International Women's Day 2023 

Posted on 8 March 2023