Media Update

Posted on 30 July 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

This week, AAPi was again featured on national television as the voice for psychologists, on the ABC News. 


As an AAPi representative, Betty Chetcuti spoke about the impact of the Sydney lockdown and extended her sympathy to those in NSW.

We have recently heard from many of our NSW members that they have experienced a number of cancellations during this lockdown, so we wanted to send a clear message to clients to encourage them to continue seeing their psychologist, along with the importance of telehealth. 


Betty offered practical tips on mentally coping with lockdown including: 

- creating a new structure/routine and have a sense of control 

- regular contact with others, via phone or computer 

- maintaining good sleep

- eating well and exercising regularly. 


Importantly, Betty talked about the way psychologists have adapted to lockdown and have had to rely on telehealth so heavily. She mentioned one of her interstate clients, who found the vital support she needed through telehealth, which gave her the will to continue living. 


Betty also discussed risk factors like isolation and the impact of lockdowns on younger children, which creates uncertainty in their lives. 


AAPi is working tirelessly to represent our members and shine a light on the changes needed to gain equality for, and improve access to, psychologists. 


Thank you Betty for a stellar job and your consistent advocacy on behalf of AAPi. 

You can view the recording here (Wednesday 28/07- fast forward to the 50 minute mark). 

AAPi has also been featured again in prominent publications including The AgeThe Brisbane Times and Sydney Morning Herald, with board member Betty Chetcuti speaking about the ongoing negative impact of lockdowns on psychologists and clients, including waiting lists for psychologists, the impact of workload on psychologists and raising the Medicare rebate. 

AAPi continues to lobby the government for further support for psychologists in their efforts to support the mental health of our communities. This includes raising the Medicare rebate to $150 for clients of all psychologists.