AAPi featured in the following media this week:

Workforce shortage, soaring demand creating mental health crisis especially in rural areas, psychologists say- ABC

Special mention to AAPi member Claire McCosker whose incredible outreach work in Forbes and surrounds is featured in this ABC News article from yesterday. We know that many voices are louder than one, and we commend Claire’s work and her advocacy in sharing this with ABC.

AAPi Executive Director Tegan Carrison is also quoted in the article, calling on the government to expand Medicare rebates to provisional psychologists to help address the mental health crisis Australians face, particularly in rural areas. 

Read the full article.

Australian Association of Psychologists reveal steps to ease pressure- The Courier Mail

AAPi's solutions to help ease the mental health crisis have been featured in an article in the Courier Mail.

Amanda Curran details the calls for provisional psychologists to be able to provide their services under Medicare; for incentives for psychologists to work in regional areas, and for an increase in client rebates.

"We’d really like to see a concerted effort from the government to work with us to address these issues,” Ms Curran said.

Federal Government responded by saying it was 'supporting provisional psychologists “to contribute to the mental health workforce” through the National Mental Health Pathways to Practice program pilot'.

Read online or download the PDF.

AAPi's Tegan Carrison was also featured in the Australian Financial Review. The opinion piece focused on the need to consider increasing access to psychologists and mental health care to boost productivity.

Tegan was also interviewed on ABC Radio urging the Federal Government to raise rebates and allow provisional psychologists the ability to provide Medicare rebates to improve accessibility and address long wait times, particularly in regional and rural areas.

AAPi in the Media

Posted on 31 March 2023