Leading the way in mental health equity and access

Posted on 22 December 2022

AAPi has been invited by the Minister for Health and the Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention to participate in a Mental Health Equity and Access Forum in Canberra on 30 January 2023. This invite is the result of AAPi's extensive advocacy, increased influence and our leading participation in the Better Access Stakeholder Engagement Group and the Mental Health Reference Group.
This forum is an important step in the Government’s post-evaluation consultations of Better Access. AAPi's involvement will guide the development and implementation of a more equitable and sustainable Better Access. It will also provide a key platform for AAPi to achieve our key advocacy objectives for the wider mental health care system.
As the AAPi community is well aware, the systemic discrimination and devaluing of psychologists without clinical endorsement has led to widespread equity and access issues. From lower rebates, less pay, barriers to career progression, the retirement of the 4+2 program, bottlenecks and lack of diversity in the training and education of future psychologists, reduction of scope of practice, and the list goes on and on. As the only psychology peak body working in the best interests of ALL psychologists and providing clear solutions to equity and access issues, this is an incredibly important appointment for AAPi. As always, AAPi will provide a true and loud voice for the psychology profession. All psychologists are equal and valued. Our strength is through diversity, not uniformity.