National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework 

Posted on 2 December 2022

The National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework (The Framework) has now been launched. This Framework has been developed with the intention of strengthening engagement between PHNs and the Allied Health sector, serving as a roadmap for increased and collaborative ways of working. Find the Framework here along with supporting case studies of best practice examples of PHNs engagement with Allied Health.

The purpose of the Framework is to support efficient and effective primary healthcare Allied Health service delivery to communities, define roles and approaches for engaging with the Allied Health sector, and drive change to increase collaboration between the Allied Health sector and PHNs.

The vision for the Framework is for it to be implemented across all 31 PHNs to encourage a consistent approach to working with the Allied Health sector.

If you have any questions regarding the Framework, please contact the Allied Health Team at the HNECC PHN by email: [email protected].