NDIS Advocacy 

Posted on 10 November 2022

AAPi's Amanda Curran is the allied health representative on the Mental Health Sector Reference Group of the NDIS. At the last meeting, a wide range of issues was discussed, the key points being:

  • Updates from the agency on the implementation plans for the Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework, and the development of a co-designed Participant Safety Policy.
  • Issues for the improvement of the NDIS for participants with psychosocial disability, as a basis for discussion with the Minister for the NDIS, the Hon Bill Shorten. 
  • A discussion on the NDIA’s approach to the funding of allied health professionals for participants with psychosocial disability and the inconsistencies in planner practice on the ground and the NDIS Operational Guidelines. Additional training and guidance needs to be provided for NDIA planners and Local Area Coordinator staff.
  • Advice that the community does not understand the distinction between NDIS-funded allied health supports, and health and mental health system-funded treatment by allied health professionals. 

The next meeting of the group is scheduled for later in November. AAPi welcomes any feedback from members about issues they are having within the Psychosocial Stream of the NDIS.