Thank you to the hundreds of members that provided detailed feedback informing our submission to the NDIS Review on Pricing and Payment approaches.

In relation to the submission, AAPi:

  • strongly put forward evidence of the benefit of adequate provision of psychology services for scheme participants;
  • provided critical analysis of some of the billing methods that the NDIS was looking into, explaining how the ethical codes and laws governing psychologist practice would be at odds with such billing methods; and,
  • requested that NDIS cease to communicate about therapeutic support providers in ways that are derogatory and question their ethical and moral practices.  

Our submission contained several key recommendations, including:

  1. Fair Pricing and Payment Approaches: AAPi highlights that the current NDIS pricing and payment system differs significantly from other schemes psychologists work with. We proposed the need for fair and transparent pricing, considering the administrative burden and cash flow interruptions associated with NDIS services.
  2. Differentiated Price Caps: AAPi advocates for differentiating price caps to account for the additional costs of providing services to participants with complex needs and in regional areas. This would help ensure adequate coverage of costs and prevent service deterioration.
  3. Challenges with Registration: AAPi highlights challenges related to the registration process for NDIS providers, leading to decreased registration rates and potential difficulty for participants in finding service providers.
  4. Collaboration and Multidisciplinary Work: Contrary to claims of lack of collaboration and ethical practices, AAPi provides evidence that psychologists work well in multidisciplinary teams and engage in care coordination tasks to support participants effectively.
  5. Funding for Psychological Services: AAPi stresses the importance of funding psychological services within the NDIS, as some active clinical treatments significantly impact participants' functional capacity and quality of life. The association suggests funding through other government services like Medicare may result in barriers to care for those with disabilities.
  6. Issues with Funding Allocations: AAPi highlights issues with funding allocations for psychology providers, including plan cuts and barriers to accessing psychology services under Medicare, impacting participants' ability to afford treatments.
  7. Ensuring NDIS Participants' Access to Psychology Services: AAPi emphasises that participants have the right to access fully funded psychology services under their NDIS plan and that restricting access to alternative funding sources can put participants' mental health at risk.
Overall, AAPi's recommendations aim to improve the pricing and payment approaches in the NDIS, ensuring equitable compensation for providers, better outcomes for participants, and sustainability of the scheme.

NDIS Review on Pricing and Payment Approaches

Posted on 31 July 2023