No change to NDIS pricing for therapy supports

Disappointingly, the NDIA will not be increasing their price limits for therapy supports on 1 July 2023. The reasoning provided is that following extensive benchmarking analysis, the current limit of $214.41 per hour is above the average hourly cost that most therapy professionals typically charge and that the rate is competitive considering other government therapy schemes and private billing rates.

AAPi will continue our advocacy on this matter in our direct meetings with the NDIS and through ongoing submissions and working groups.

To assist with AAPi's continued advocacy in this space, we will soon send a survey for members. Please keep your eye out for this in the coming week.

Access the Annual Pricing Review here.

Changes to the age of children supported under the NDIS early childhood approach

As of 1 July 2023, the age range of children supported under the NDIS early childhood approach will change from under 7 to under 9. This is to ensure children are supported through the transition to school. This change is an action under the ECEI Reset and aligns with the World Health Organisation’s definition of young children, which is 0 – 8 years of age. 

There will be a transition process for families already participating in the early childhood stream, depending on their current age. Read more about the changes on the NDIS website.  


NDIS Update 

Posted on 23 June 2023