AAPi Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2022-23

Posted on 18 February 2022

Every year AAPi produces a pre-budget submission as part of the Federal Government consultation process. This allows AAPi to reinforce our advocacy items and key objectives of increased access to and equality for psychologists.

This year our submission focused on the items that if implemented will have the biggest impact of our members and their clients:

  1. One-tier Medicare rebate for the clients of all registered psychologists in Australia.
  2. Raise the Medicare rebate to $150 per session to allow for greater access for those who need it most.
  3. Implementing the Productivity Commission recommendation forup to 40 rebated sessions per annum.
  4.  Establish a provisional psychologist Medicare rebate.

Whilst we are working on many other initiatives through other submissions and consultations, we believe these are the foundational changes that must occur.

You can read our submission here.

We will keep you posted on the outcomes of the Federal Budget in March.