The Psychology Board of Australia has commenced its public consultation on a new Code of Conduct for psychologists. The consultation papers and draft Code are available here.

In moving away from the APS Code of Ethics, the Psychology Board has chosen to update the shared Code of Conduct used by other regulated health professions, ensuring it is relevant for current and future psychology practice. While the Board is not proposing significant changes, there are some key areas where updates are being proposed. We encourage all members to review the draft Code and consultation documents.

To help members understand the draft Code, you are invited to attend our joint webinar with the Psychology Board of Australia (the Board) on Thursday 27 July, 11:30 am-1:00 pm (AEST) to learn about its consultation on a draft code of conduct for psychologists in Australia. AAPi is co-hosting the webinar with Psychology Board Chair Rachel Phillips, who will explain why the Board has developed a draft code and how to participate in the consultation. Register for the webinar here.

The webinar will focus on outlining the background and context of the Board developing the draft code for the psychology profession, including:

  • a summary of the Board’s proposal
  • details on key changes, including cultural safety and sexual boundaries provisions
  • how to apply the code in practice, and
  • how you can provide feedback to the Board’s consultation.

We encourage all AAPi members to review the proposed code of conduct in detail and consider how this will affect you and your practice. Consider if there are questions that you need answered and what challenges you might face in adopting these. We would also like you to consider the strengths of the proposed code and let us know what support you might need to make the new code work for you, and what type of training would be helpful.

Before attending this webinar, we recommend you read the following consultation documents.

At the end of the webinar, there will be time to answer participants’ questions. Please send your questions to [email protected] by COB Tuesday, 25 July 2023.

Consultation - New Code of Conduct for Psychologists 

Posted on 23 June 2023