Join us for this Members Only webinar as we talk to Dr Marian Kolta and her barrister Evelyn Tadros on their recent success at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) regarding substantial equivalence for clinical endorsement.

Marian’s excellent case for her qualifications and experience to be considered substantially equivalent under the National Law, and for clinical endorsement to be granted to her, was successful at VCAT in 2022, and the Board was ordered to issue her endorsed registration as a clinical psychologist.

In the webinar we will discuss: • Pivotal issues to the case • The three pathways under the National Law open to psychologists to be considered by the Psychology Board of Australia (the Board) to meet endorsement criteria. • The importance of Option 3 - the substantial equivalence pathway and its relevance to members • The history behind Dr Kolta’s case and how it relates to the two-tier training problem and its implications • Why did we win costs? • Learnings from this case for the AAPi legal team and the Board and how this may help us advance the equity of access for all Australians to all psychologists.

Further information on the case you may like to read as background before the webinar: • The AAPi newsletter announcing the win • The published VCAT judgment

Register for the webinar here.

Substantial Equivalence Success 

Posted on 24 February 2023