AAPi in the media- Two-tier rebates ‘psychologically damaging’      

Posted on 25 January 2022

AAPi has again been featured in the media calling for an end to the two-tier system and for the rebates for the clients of all psychologists to be increased. In The Australian newspaper article ‘Two-tier rebates ‘psychologically damaging’, AAPi Director Mark Baxter and I discussed the damage the two-tier system has caused to clients and psychologists.

You can read the article here

We refute the claims by Australian Clinical Psychology Association president Caroline Hunt that clinical psychologists have undertaken 4-5 years additional training. Many psychologists with general registration or endorsement in other areas of psychology have undertaken a prodigious amount of extra education and training. To date there is no evidence that supports the higher rebate exclusively for endorsed clinical psychologists. AAPi is asking for a $150 Medicare rebate for all.

AAPi is working to correct the misconceptions around the endorsement system, while advocating for increased access to a diverse range of psychology courses, and the end to a two-tier rebate system. We are the only psychology association that is working towards equality in psychology and equal pay for equal work. 

If you are not already a member, now is the time to join AAPi. We are stronger together.