Association Update

Posted on 30 May 2022

Another election has come and gone. With the help of over 5,000 AAPi members who took part in our election campaign, we were able to reach all candidates many times over with our key advocacy items to create a more accessible and fair mental health care system. Thank you to all those who took action by sending emails, making phone calls and meeting with local candidates. This was a hugely successful grassroots campaign that proves we are stronger together.

A change in government and a new wave of ministers creates new opportunities. AAPi has built strong relationships over the years with all sides of politics and will continue these conversations with the incoming ministers, advocating for our shared vision for mental health care in Australia. With the new labor government foreshadowing a focus on Medicare, NDIS and aged care, there has never been a more important time for AAPi to take the lead in advocating for an equitable and diverse psychology profession.

Apart from our extensive election activities we have also:

  • Participated in allied health sector working group meetings in key priority areas such aged care, NDIS and workforce planning
  • Met with State Chief Allied Health Officers
  • Provided recommendations to the Victorian Government on ways to strengthen the mental health care system and support psychologists
  • Met with lived experience consumer groups to clarify the diversity of psychology and gain support for a one-tier psychology profession
  • Progressed our multi-pronged legal challenges
  • Met with WorkSafe Victoria over upcoming initiatives
  • Worked with Headspace on a national program for early career practitioners
  • Made a submission regarding the WA Mental Health Workforce action plan
  • Opposed some of the amendments to the Health Practitioner National Law.

Thank you AAPi community for your support on these important initiatives.