AAPi Update

Posted on 9 August 2022

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it has been another busy few weeks. A snapshot of our activities for the fortnight:

  • Progressed our multipronged approach for legal avenues to achieve equality in funding and recognition for all psychologists. Members will be receiving a more detailed update from our legal team in the coming weeks.
  • Participated in the Psychology Board Education and Training reform meeting to ensure that AAPi members' voices were heard regarding the future of psychology.
  • Met with our government relations team to finalise the details of our next advocacy campaigns.
  • Attended the latest Better Access Evaluation Stakeholder Engagement Group Meeting. AAPi has been heavily involved in the evaluation process. We have 3 representatives in the next stage of the evaluation and will ensure our key areas for Better Access reform are included.
  • Gained a seat at the table for the Strengthing Medicare Taskforcethrough our allied health collaborative, Allied Health Professions Australia.
  • Invited to provide feedback to government departments regarding school psychologists.
  • Provided member-guided advice regarding return to work vocational assessments.
  • Scoped additional funding avenues for early career and provisional psychologists.
  • Met with individual members and groups to understand the challenges they face in a variety of settings and how AAPi can help.

In the coming weeks, we have important meetings regarding DVA, infant and child mental health, NDIS and Medicare.

It is an absolute privilege to represent you. Thank you for your membership and support.