WA Legislation Change 

Posted on 3 February 2023

WA Legislation Change

Work health and safety regulations in Western Australia requiring employers to eliminate, or minimise psychosocial risk came into effect on 24 December 2022. This follows regulations in NSW and Tasmania last year. According to the gazetted WA legislation, Psychosocial Hazard is one that arises from or relates to the design or management of work, work environment or plant, or workplace interactions or behaviours that could lead to psychological harm.

Further Federal Legislation for employers within the Comcare jurisdiction will come into effect on 1 April 2023  and we will be updating members at that time.  Please check out the links for further information and familiarise yourself with the risks. 

If you are an employer/manager now is a good time to ensure your work policies are compliant. AAPi members can access free and discounted workplace advice here