We Are Equal- One Medicare Rebate for All Psychologists 

Posted on 13 January 2021
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi



All psychologists provide the same service, to the same standards, and to the same population group. The dual Medicare rebate system has caused nothing but divisiveness in the profession. Ultimately, it is the community members in need who are missing out.

AAPi is advocating for the rights of all clients accessing a psychologist in Australia to access the same higher Medicare Rebate. We need to recognise that all psychologists provide an equal level of service, regardless of the practitioner’s background or qualification. The outcome of the treatment and the benefit of the client should be the only reason for applying a Medicare rebate, not the endorsement of the practitioner, and the government funding should reflect the reality. The two-tier rebate scheme should be immediately discontinued and replaced with a single rebate, higher rebate on $150. This higher rebate is vital and reflects the true cost of expert mental health care.

With the need for mental health support for Australians accelerating, all psychologists need to be supported to continue delivering vital services. By providing a higher rebate claimable by all psychologists we are sending a message that we value the professionals that care for our community.

The government needs to consider the mental health needs of the Australian public during the current crisis but also into the future. All psychologists need to access the same higher Medicare tier, instead of a system that discriminates unjustly against 70% of hardworking psychologists providing the same critical treatment to Australians in need.

AAPi is the only member association in Australia that is advocating for all psychologists to be valued equally. We aim to be the unifying force to finally bring an end to the division in the profession.