Telehealth is here to stay!

Posted on 30 Nov 2020
By Tegan Carrison, Executive Director, AAPi

Dear AAPI Community,

Telehealth is here to stay! In a press conference on Friday 27 November, Minister Hunt confirmed that telehealth would become a permanent fixture in our health care system. You can read the full transcript from Minister Hunt here. We thank Minister Hunt for his support.

AAPi has worked consistently towards this important addition to our health care system with our many media appearances (a highlight included AAPi's Betty Chetcuti speaking to the ABC) our petition and AAPi's determined advocacy campaign that commenced early March 2020, as a proactive step before we could fully understand the extent of the impact that COVID-19 would have on our day to day lives.

As hard as we work, I think it is important to mention that AAPi does not exist in a vacuum. We want to acknowledge and thank all the key stakeholders, such as the Australian Medical Association and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners for their advocacy and support.

Most importantly I wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank you. Psychologists have taken on a tremendous load this year. Both caring for new and exisiting clients as well as embracing new technology and the almost constant changes in processes and requirements. We know how challenging 2020 has been. We have heard from so many of you of the trials and tribulations of this year. We hope that the support and advocacy provided by AAPi has been of help to you. Without your continued support for AAPi, we cannot achieve the united profession and strong supportive community that has been lacking for so long.


Warmest Regards,

Tegan Carrison

Executive Director, AAPi